Dec 13, 2003 15:05
Well it has been a while, now hasn't it? I suppose I disappeared at one point and shut myself off from most everyone. As I said, most everyone. Skyler knew where I was, as did Rog and Ian - Glenn, Dan . . . the list goes on. And it's a damned long list at that, come to think of it.
At some point, I began to realize that I was in need of a journal again. Not that it had ever become boring, but rather I realized I had no time for it. And as I had no time for it, I've been letting all of this crap build up and here I am, about to freak out again. Yay. Go me.
Anywho, here it is. Most entries will be friends only, so if you want tos ee them, add me as a friend and I'll add you.
Alrighty then, off to other things.