Sweet Escape.

May 25, 2008 19:50

My boyfriend and I totally just left town today and went to my family's beach house. It was pretty much my life. It was really pretty out too and the sun actually made the beach pleasant.

We saw "What Happens In Vegas..." and it wasn't bad. I wouldn't recommend any of you going out and paying money to see it right this moment, but it was worth it. Would I say the same thing if Ashton Kutcher was not such a sexy beast? Absolutely not! Seriously, that boy is quite attractive and currently because me and JamesHo are not on good terms, he's filling the void in my heart. He had on socks and thong sandals and I didn't care because he was that attractive! Honestly though, I really feel like Ashton (oh yeah, we're totally on a first-name basis with each other =p) is a really down to earth guy. He's cute, absolutely hilarious and despite what everyone else says, him and Demi Moore are smokin'! Hear that? No I dropped the final consonant. That's how hot they are...

OH! So last night we were walking on the strip and around the time that we left these kids about our age are walking around preaching about god. Now, I was raised Catholic and I love J-man as much as the next kid, but these people were pushing it a little far. This gay couple walked by (I'm not stereotyping, it was a man and a man holding hands. Totally cute.) and they basically yelled at them for being gay. They told them that because they were gay, that they were going to hell unless they repent. And this is where my problems with the Catholic Church begin. I'm not going to continue to rant because I'd only seem to be a part of the problem; the problems with religion in this country and others. Let's just say this world has a lot of problems and religion shouldn't be one of them.

*sighs* I'm in a pissed off/confused/hyper mood, can you tell?

religion, actor: ashton kutcher, sunday rant

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