Loving Question

Aug 03, 2007 00:17

Title: Loving Question
Author: elleian
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Word Count: 728
Prompt: "Believe in what your heart is saying" from this week's AWDT
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, everything is owned by JK Rowling, Warner Brothers, etc. I do not make any money from this and I have no intent to infringe anyone’s copyright.

No spoilers for Deathly Hallows.

“Look, mate, sometimes you just have to take responsibility and make your own decisions.”

Harry looked balefully at Ron over the top of his mug of Butterbeer. “How am I supposed to do that, then? Every time I thought I was choosing something for myself it was really all planned out and I’d been guided into it. I wouldn’t know how to do something for myself if I tried.”

Ron frowned at him. “I’m not saying that your life hasn’t been tough,” he said slowly. “You’ve been used by people who had no right to use you.” He ignored Harry’s mumble that sounded suspiciously like ‘Dumbledore’. “But you can’t keep making excuses for yourself. You’re twenty three, Harry. I know I sound like Hermione harping on about something but you have to face the reality that there is no one pushing you along and holding your hand anymore. Besides, you can’t complain that you could never act of your own accord if you refuse to do so when given the opportunity now.”

The noise from the other patrons of the pub washed over them. Hoping that Harry was actually thinking about what he had said and was not about to storm off in another huff, Ron sat back in his chair. He watched as a crease formed above Harry’s eyes and his friend slowly drew in a breath.

“I don’t know how to pick up the pieces if it all goes wrong,” Harry said quietly.

“Maybe you won’t have to,” Ron offered. “And even if you do… well, you’ll just have to deal with that if it happens.”

“I just… Draco, he…” Harry sighed. “You love Hermione, right?”

It was impossible for Ron to stop a grin from spreading across his face. “Do I ever.”

“You must understand then. I feel like if I mess things up then I don’t know how I’ll cope. Twelve years ago I would have been happy never to see Draco again but now… now I’ll be happy if I never let him out of my sight.”

“You know what you have to do then,” said Ron. “We all have to take risks sometimes. If you’re sure what you want then I say go for it and deal with everything else later. Believe in what your heart is saying.”

Draining the rest of his mug, Harry nodded resolutely. “Thanks, Ron,” he said. He checked his watch. “I think I have somewhere to be.”


When Draco opened the front door of his flat it was to find Harry standing outside looking as if he was in a great amount of pain. “What is it?” he asked, concerned.

Harry shook his head. “I’m fine,” he said. “Just… can I come in?”

Draco smiled, though a small frown still marred his features as he looked his boyfriend up and down. “Of course you can, silly Gryffindor. You really do look a bit peaky, though.”

“Ex-Gryffindor,” Harry reminded him.

Going through into the living room, Harry chose to remain standing. Draco perched on the arm of his sofa and studied him. “Something is wrong,” he said quietly. “I can tell.” He opened his mouth to add further analysis when an awful thought crossed his mind. He quickly looked at the floor to hide his horrified expression. “Please tell me you’re not going to break up with me,” he said quietly.

“What?! No! No.” Taking a deep breath, Harry said, “Just the opposite.”

“Huh?” Trust Harry to make him lose all eloquence.

“I mean…” Harry was slowly turning bright red. He fidgeted for a moment before moving closer to rest his hands on Draco’s shoulders. “Draco, you’re the most… I can’t describe… I love you,” he said finally. Pre-empting a response from Draco, he rushed on, “And I can’t bear to live without you. Please, will you move in with me?”

For a moment there was silence. Harry was about to pull away in mortification when Draco’s expression seemed to almost burst into happiness. “Yes!” he exclaimed. “I love you too, you prat. Of all the silly questions…mmph!”

If Draco ended up pushed backwards over the arm of the sofa in a position he would later bemoan as quite uncomfortable, well, he couldn’t complain too much. And even if he did he knew someone who would happily give him a backrub. He could get used to this.

Wow, that's the first thing I've written in quite a long time! It's not my best piece by far, but comments are greatly welcomed!

fic: awdt prompt

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