
Sep 10, 2006 19:22

Title Anniversary
Author: elleian
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Prompt: ‘Death’ for 12_fics
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, minor character death
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, everything is owned by JK Rowling, Warner Brothers, etc. I do not make any money from this and I have no intent to infringe anyone’s copyright.
Summary: It’s been two years.

The day was beautiful: not a cloud in the sky and pleasantly warm, the kind of weather that put a smile on your face no matter what you were doing. The smile was there on Harry’s face, but it was bittersweet.

“Can you believe it’s been two years now? I’d almost forgotten. Sometimes it still feels as if I could turn up at the Burrow and he’d be right there, smiling and messing around with the twins.”

“I know,” Draco said softly.

It was strange. Draco had never really gotten on with Ron; their years at Hogwarts had been filled with insults and hatred and even during the war years a huge amount of distrust and dislike had lain between the two men. But after that fateful day when the redhead had been cut down by a Death Eater hex, Draco had noticed Ron’s absence from his life. He wasn’t surprised that he had missed Ron’s physical presence for the other man had always been near Harry, but Draco had certainly not expected to miss Ron’s conversation and general contribution to his day to day life.

“Do you think he’s looking down on us?” Harry asked.

Draco studied his partner for a minute. “I don’t know,” he said honestly. “I’m not sure he’d want to see everything we do if he is.”

Harry laughed. “I guess not. He was straight through and through.”

“Mmm.” Draco tilted his face up to the sunlight. “He’d be happy for you, though. I know we didn’t exactly see eye to eye, but I’d have had to be blind not to see how much he cared for you.”

Silence stretched between the two men and Draco turned to look at Harry after a moment. He knew that the other man wasn’t going to cry - Harry displayed his grief in other ways now - but pain was clearly etched on Harry’s features.

“What is it?” Draco asked gently.

“Sometimes I wonder…” Harry shook his head. “I really loved Ron. Not the same way that I love you, but I really did. And,” Harry twisted his cuff, “I never told him. Sometimes I wonder if he knew. He put up with a lot from me and I never really thanked him properly. I just can’t help but wish…”

“Shh,” Draco said, carefully placing a finger against Harry’s lips. “Don’t talk like that. You can’t live your life on wishes.” Harry raised his eyes from his sleeve. “I’m sure he knew how much you cared. How could he miss it? When you love someone you practically radiate it.”

Harry gave a half smile, happier this time, and snuggled into Draco’s side when Draco wrapped an arm around him. They sat like that for some time, gazing at the empty sky but seeing images of another time and place entirely.

When they finally moved, Draco pressed a soft kiss to Harry’s lips. “We’ll open that nice bottle of wine when we get home,” he promised. “I’m sure Ron would approve if we had a toast in his honour.”

As the two men slowly made their way into the distance, the wind seemed to send a smile after them.

As usual, comments are appreciated!

fic: one shot, fic: 12_fics

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