I have signed up over at
slashfic40 for Harry/Draco (although that probably goes without saying). Have no fear, I plan to write for the prompts there as well as continuing with my normal update schedule for chaptered fics, etc. Hopefully I should have no problems keeping up with both, but if push comes to shove then my normal stuff will take priority
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Comments 12
Yes, yes, I have a thing for bunnies, even though I don't have one. I fully intend to get myself one at some point in the future though
I hope I stay inspired, otherwise I don't know how I'm going to be able to carry on for a year, especially as I am doing these on top of my regular fics.
I'll definately follow your "monster story" as you write!
*pokes* Does that mean you've written stuff and haven't posted or not written at all? You need to post something so that I can take a break from my own writing! *begs* Spread some H/D loving? :)
You need to create a new post in your journal first of all. If you go to the community info page of the slashfic40 community here and scroll to almost the bottom you will see a little text box which has a bit of text above that says 'The Coding For The Table'. You need to copy and paste the code from that box into your journal entry, making sure that you are in HTML mode rather than Rich Text.
If you want to link to a prompt in your table then you need to find the particular prompt that you want to create a link from and put tags around it like so:
<*a href="URL HERE">Prompt<*/a>
Remember to remove the stars!
I hope that this helps :)
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