Writer's Block: Under the Tree

Nov 19, 2008 11:44

Based on requests I've received of late I figured this was an awesome question for me to try to answer. The thing is I am having a really hard time with it. The thing I want the most is surprises. It's nice to get the stuff I ask for but I like surprises even more. Last year Beth & Michael both did awesome with getting me gifts I wouldn't have expected at all. But in the category of things I KNOW I would enjoy here's a minor attempt.
  • Seasons of any of the series I've asked for. No one ever gets those for me. I understand they are pricey so it never surprises me that I don't get any but I really do wanna start collecting some of these shows
  • Clothes I always love getting clothes
  • Bath stuff I hardly ever buy myself bath stuff like bath beads and bath salts, not a huge fan of bubble bath tho like it just hate dealing with getting unsuddsy afterwards
  • MAC makeup. I love MAC but again it is expensive.
I think that's it. There's plenty of things on my list I posted back in October that would make me happy too. Just those are the 'big' things. Everyone else should respond to this question today too. :D

writer's block, under tree, best buy holiday, best buy

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