Nov 13, 2008 10:38
Ok got my flu shot yesterday. Last night I was utterly miserable. This morning I was still running a fever so I didn't go into work right away. I slept a bit more and then the fever went away, so into work I went. I'm still very tired but I need to avoid using PTO if I don't need to. Also my arm still hurts like a bugger but nothing I can't deal with.
Last night I started a character on Blackhand with Andrew. We played for a little while then he logged off to take a nap. I got my Shaman troll up to level 8 by the time I logged off.
Generally looking forward to this weekend. Still not too sure about the contest but I will be working with some smart people so it should be ok. I'll get to do some shopping this weekend. Hoping to get a chance to do some holiday shopping. Maybe pick up some stuff for gifts in a jar. Anyone wanna help me with that? If you help I'll let you keep some of them for the work. :D Really it's just more fun to do stuff like that with someone than alone. Well guess I should get some more work done. Have a good day.