Nov 17, 2005 22:31
got class rings today! mines little. and so so pretty..and so is everyone else's! the guys rings are huge...
Ridgecrest this weekend. woo. im kinda excited, and kinda not. idk about church trips. just sounds like a lot of loud people in a small van. but once we get there it will be cool. Were picking up Kemper on our way down. I miss him gosh.
Wisdome teeth out Tuesday. ugh. I have to eat turkey goop for thanksgiving-that sucks major.
cousin Jimmy came down last weekend. But without Matt. he might come over thanksgiving by himself. he has family in asheboro. but idk :-( We had a great time. went to hanging rock and about fell off the mountain...not cool. scared the shit out of me. but we got great pictures b/c of it! I haven't scanned them, so they aren't on my webshots just yet. my pics of the halloween party came out to be..interesting. boys. boys. boys. but me and hannah are hott, like woah! haha
well thats all. gotta be at school early tomorrow. doughnut sale. stupid fuckers make us carry around doughnuts that we can't eat! torture. I hate school clubs. stupid. so stupid.