Dec 19, 2004 21:03 finals are finally over! thank jesus! so i went back to u of i on friday with steph and that's when the fun all began. almost immediately after getting to champaign, steph and i went to eat and then got ready and went to rache's and started drinking! by the time we were supposed to go to the bars, we were all lil retarded. least we could bare the cold. so the lines for the bars were fucking long, so dj, steph, wylie, kam, and myself all decided to just by more alcohol and go back to rache's and drink until rache, jeremy, and jason got home from the bars. ummm well let's just say after our second round of power hour and dj "rocking around the christmas tree" we we're definitely had had enough to drink. wylie and i decided to take steph home to my apt because she was passing out. when we got back to my apt, there was kristin (my roommate) yelling at us that we were making too much noise! what a great evening to the nite! steph was passed out on the chair and all wylie and i were trying to do was to put her to bed...somehow that constitutes as being loud. personally i just think she needs to pull the huge stick out of her ass and have a beer. anyways...wylie left the next morning and then steph tagged along as rache and i finished studying for our finals we had to take on saturday. i love how we celebrate the end of the semester before we are done with our finals. well i took my final at 7 using the buddy system with nick and then started drinking almost immediately afterwards. long story short...we drank the nite away at jeremy's house cuz it was tony's going away party :( was crazy keg stand, everyone singing, throwing beer at each other kinda nite. it ended at about 5 am when rache got locked out of her apt...oops sorry dude! we woke up at 9:30, packed everything up and left u of i at 11:30. i hauled ass home and we were back in the cl at 2! my fish made it home alive and so did the leftover beer! basically i think we came to the conclusion (well me rache and steph) that we should celebrate the new year in champaign! whadda y'all think? let us know.... well i'm just glad we got a lil bit more drunken craziness before coming home...considering i have to be at work in 9 hours! great grand wonderful! well guys...let winter break begin!