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May 18, 2005 01:08

Been staying with my dad for a couple of days. My aunt is here on holiday and thought I'd take the opportunity to come up and meet her, while killing off a couple of days. Can hardly think of anything besides the cup final .. eight days to go!

Met my aunt yesterday and we went out for lunch. Was great to catch up again and to hear what my cousins are up to. They might come over next year for another cousin's wedding. Speaking of weddings, she lent me a video of her son's wedding and was great to see it, since I couldn't attend .. looked like they were having a good time. Haven't seen them since 1997!

In the evening I mostly browsed forums. Also spent some time in the balcony. I love my dad's balcony. Actually wanted to stay out there all night and fall asleep to the sound of the waves, but my dad thought it would be too cold and wanted me to stay in the bedroom. Oh well, maybe next time.

This morning I overslept, which I needed, and then went up to visit my mother for a few hours. Went quite well and then she drove me back to my dad's and they actually had a civil conversation .. I couldn't believe my eyes & ears!!

Tonight I went down by the beach for a walk around the places where I used to hang out as a child / teenager. So many memories ... the ledge we used to dive off .. the stairs we used to run around after each other on .. the bench I got some of my first snogs on ... where did those days go! Wonder what happened to all those people I used to be there with. Saw aussie boy last week .. don't think he recognised me. Also know one of the girls is getting married next week. For the rest, I wonder where they are. Walked a bit further and got to the valley where I used to like to go with rich boy when we were seeing each other and then I headed back home. Would've liked to go further as I don't know when I'll be back here again, but I'd already been out ages and didn't want my dad to worry. I had to disappoint my dad tonight. He told me to get him a cigarette while I was out. I couldn't get him something that would kill him.
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