(no subject)

Feb 09, 2008 22:48

I drove to Pittsburgh today from Indianapolis. Packed my car with my viola, my clothes and computer. Road trip. Right now I am staying overnight in a Holiday Inn in Monroeville, just east of the city. Tomorrow I am driving to New Jersey. The weather is supposed to be icy and snowy and generally nasty, so I might buy a pair of boots before I head out. My aunt said I could stay with her when I get there. And then what. I don't know. But I had better get working or I will have to either sell plasma or the rest of body. Maybe I will show up at the Clinton office and beg them to take me (not for my body).

It was hard to see my mom cry so much when I left, but it was beyond time to leave Indiana. My grandmother gave me a course on CD from a UCSD prof called The History of the Supreme Court. Best present ever. All the fun of school with none of the essays, early mornings or getting funny looks for asking too many questions and arguing with the professor. This prof has a PhD and a JD which I think is smart - staying in school your whole life which is basically like avoiding the world and getting people to pat you on the back for it.

I did an interview once where I answered a question with a long personal theory about globalization. It had nothing to do with the financial industry and the job I was applying for, but when I was finished, the interviewer looked at me and said "You must be the most 'together' and most clear-sighted young person I ever met." Sitting in my car today, passing through West Virginia on my way to who-knows-what, remembering that made me laugh. And then I got a chicken sandwich.

In exactly one week - to the minute- I will be 23. Huh.
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