(no subject)

Dec 27, 2006 20:45

Ok, so the EPA is effectively paying three farmers in Washington to temporarily turn their farms into wetlands and maintain the area to protect a number of native species.

The farmers were afraid they were going to lose their land to the environmentalists, but now, the farmers, the environmentalists and the marbled godwits all win. I suppose you could possibly be upset about this as a taxpayer, but hey, tax money goes into helping small farmers and endangered species all the time. This kills (or I suppose protects) at least two birds with one stone.

Ok so I am a nerd, but I thought it was really cool. Should you, and I am guessing that during your break you would like nothing better then to read about agriculture, like to know more here is the link:

I have spent the entire day watching West Wing, filling out applications and deviously scamming visitors out of leftover gourmet pizza. I leave tomorrow to visit my Dad in NJ, mercifully just in time to miss the traditional family attendance at the Crossing of the Delaware Reenactment. In NJ in the dead of winter that is really a once in a lifetime experience. Really. Once is plenty. Nothing like a little guerrilla warfare to jump start the holiday spirit. I don't know about anyone else but I have had about enough home family time for a while. Then again, there is an honors thesis awaiting me in Bloomington. I have got to find some middle ground between utter boredom and stressful procrastination. Oh well, at least it snowed.
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