Dec 28, 2005 21:25
im ill, but im a REET strong lass and can cope with my day to day chores.
These consist of making ant his morning toast and driving him to work and back, i sleep for the rest of the day whilst ant brings in the money, hes such a good guy.
Hes even putting £500 away every month leaving him with only £200 to enjoy himself, hes doing this because we are having our first child and we need to make sure "HE" gets everything he desires, even save up for his college fund in later life.
When ant gets home i like to make his tea, i stick my "kiss the cook" apron on and moosey on downstairs, kiss him, and make our tea.
did i mention i make a cracking toad in the hole??????
if ant is feeling frisky i am more than happy to fulfill his desire of the day, this normnally consists of "BIG THUMB IN BUM" which is a favourite of mine.
of course no lube as my a$$ is naturally moist for 23 hours of the day, in that 1 hour i am normally shitting out the fine cuisine i cook in my kitchen and i can safely say i poo through the eye of a needle.