I feel a rant coming on... (wanky post is wanky)

Apr 27, 2009 21:10

Read the comments and understand. Pics for the non-Merlin fans

That's just.. I don't know what to say. I've seen similar reactions in other places and it just makes me so sad. At IMDB under Merlin, there's a thread called Unattractive Gwen (no really!) where the comments are along the lines of "I'M NOT RACIST BUT Gwen is ugly/untalented/lacking charisma" and I just wonder how much it must hurt Angel Coulby to read that.

And it's right next to a thread titled Morgana (the fairest of them all)

I feel Angel Coulby gets judged harshly for
(1)her skin colour
(2)that she's not a "hawt" POC and
(3)Gwen's low-profile role in the series w.r.t Arthur.

The first two piss me off to no end - SHE'S THERE TO ACT, NOT BE A SEXY PIN UP OK? Her skin colour is so totally irrelevant! Even if the actual Guinevere (who never existed! it's a legend!) was white, why the hell can't a non-white actress play her? The reason everyone gets so shocked is because they assume Guinevere was white. Ugh.

What pisses me off even more is this overriding obsession with looks! Everyone who thinks that Guinevere was hot and beautiful is because she was a "princess" and princesses must be attractive right? All I have to say is: Disney, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!
-Princesses are beautiful and lovely. There are no ugly princesses!
-Therefore anybody who is not good looking cannot be a princess.
-Therefore anybody who is not 100% flawlessly hot cannot even play a princess on TV.
No seriously. People go on about how Angel Coulby is not pretty enough to play Gwen. I just... I have no words.

These people ship Arthur and Morgana because they're both hot. Now I'm as superficial as the next person and I'll say openly that I think most of slash in fandom is just because people want to see pretty boys together BUT when you disqualify a major pairing on the basis that one of them is ugly or "not good looking" there is something seriously wrong with you. (And I daresay the Arthur/Morgana pairing deserves better than "just coz they're hot" PWP)

Also Angel Coulby's acting has been praised by critics. If you disagree, that's fine, but don't harp on it. If you think she and Arthur lack chemistry or whatever blame the fact that they haven't had that many scenes together. If you think her character is dull, blame the writers. Don't blame Angel Coulby - she's doing the best she can with the stuff she's given. Oh and for the record she's beautiful and an amazing person (seriously, go see the DVD extras!) and a good actress.

Damn, now I need a Guinevere icon.

racist-shit, enough-already, merlin, angel coulby

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