The adventure

Apr 02, 2005 23:15

Do you ever want someone to fight for you? I know I do. It is this conversation that I had this morning. Women want someone to fight for them, to be wrapped up in the adventure, to be the beauty that is rescued. Why don't men fight for us? All can be is asking us how are day is and caring about us. Yes a physical swordfight maybe a cool thing to be apart of the adventure but more than that the sword of the Spirit. We want to fought for by our brothers from a different mother... aka brothers in Christ! Why don't men see that? We just want someone to fight for us! Even I feel my brother that is a Christian does not get that sometimes... and sometimes he does. I just think men these days are inconsistent with the men that God created them to be. As we were talking this morning, the other person mentioned that women were the last to be created... the crowning glory. We are not supposed to be looked at, stared at or even ignored by our brothers... we are supposed to be rescued in this adventure that we live in. The adventure happens everyday in the mundane as some may see it. But it is a great battle to between God and the fallen satan over souls. We as women are the crown jewel that is not fought for by most men! All I can say is to encourage you my brothers to fight... fight for the beauties of the world... FIGHT for your SISTERS! Be apart of the adventure.
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