So, wow, a month ago, I
posted about how I wanted to create a meta tumblr for Gundam Wing. And then I did, but I am regretting this decision because tumblr isn't really the right venue for people who want to read things of considerable length. I posted one short piece about Wufei, and while I have like half a dozen other meta ideas, some of which are partially written, I am not really that motivated to continue.
Add on top of that, this is my first week of fall classes, and I am on campus SO LONG, and I am taking 5 classes and I am doing the editorial board for the Lit Magazine... so I have a bit of a full plate this semester. However, I tend to be more inclined to write things for pleasure when I have a shit-ton of work to do for school... we'll see how it pans out.
Sorry to have basically abandoned you, Livejournal. I'm not active in any fandoms right now, and that was your main purpose.
I am so tired these days. Yesterday I was on campus for twelve hours, 7 of which were classes. Tomorrow I am in class for 8 hours, with maybe 1 hour between only two of my classes, so that'll be a party. Plus I have been feeling pretty stressed and I am not sleeping well -- I can tell because this is the second day I have woken up with a head ache and my teeth have been sore a bit during the day which is an indication that I have been clenching. Oh, and I don't expect tonight to be much better since I have 2 chapters of reading to do for my Structure of the English Language class (READ: GRAMMAR), and I have yet to receive my student loan, which means I CAN'T BUY THE TEXTBOOKS THAT I SUPER NEED TO HAVE ASAP.
Taking a sea salt bath and then going to bed.