never wear mauve to a ball

Jul 10, 2008 13:05

So, it might possibly be centuries since I have posted. This is what my summer so far has consisted of:

1. Kittens. Two months ago, they were just little "meows" we would hear coming from the bushes and now I can hold them, and pull them up by the scruff of the necks and make up ridiculous nicknames for them such as "Huckleshmucks." I love kittens. There is something about them...the furryness, the fact that it takes time for them to love you or to even like you at all whereas dogs will give you handmade Valentines after 3 seconds, the way you can feel their tiny little bodies relax and see their pupils get smaller as they start to trust you. Basically, if there is any way I can sneak a kitten into my dorm room, I may do it. But the sad tale of Elijah makes me think twice/four to six times.

2. Mika. It's impossible to describe just how much I enjoy being with her. It's things like how she teases me about putting on pajamas in the morning and how I sometimes have to catch my breath when she looks at me. It's difficult being farther away from her, but we've figured out how to deal with it so far. I know we've only been together for (almost) 7 months but it's hard not to think about being with her next year and the year after and moving in together and things like choosing paint colors and picking out bedside tables. I know that it's the whole lesbian u-hauling thing, but it is physically painful to think about making plans for the future and not include her in them. and if the last three nights of horribly fitful/entirely unrestoring sleep since she left is any indication, my future can't be without her because my daily functioning depends on her lying next to me when I wake up in the morning.

3. Carter's Pet Mart. Working at a pet store is at times the best thing and at others the worst. It's the best when a very nice lady and her sweet daughter come in and buy two rats that you have saved from a super untimely death by snake-feasting and they name the rats after you and even come in later and say they will bring you a picture of the whole family. It's the worst when the turquoise conure bites you repeatedly, the fluffy bunny scratches up your neck so badly that people at the grocery store stare at you as if you are probably a victim of domestic violence, the feeder rats eat each other from the inside out while somehow disposing of the bones just like little expert serial killers and you have to clean out caked-on, possibly months old hamster pee-corners. So, that's about all I can say about that. Oh, and all boys are perverts. My current theory is you know a guy is a man when he doesn't make strap-on jokes about dog leashes.

It has been pretty good, all in all. There's only been a little bit of the itchy feelings I'm usually bombarded with during the summer months, those that worry about how quickly time is going by and contemplate over whether I'm spending my time wisely. I don't want to care about wise, I just want to enjoy. Which is what I shall do...possibly with a margarita later, which my sister will hopefully make for me. I officially love tequila.

purple summer sung

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