Dec 31, 2007 08:56
Mikkyo is of the Sith...seriously. (And not just because she's a black cat)
Yesterday I had a killer leg cramp, so I put some Bengay on it and hoped to hell that would work as I had no stick-on heating pads available. Suddenly I have a cat licking my PJ pants, and stalking me the rest of the day. It was like kitty crack to her! I don't know what it is about that stuff, this is not the first time she's done it either.
And then apparently the entire time I was at work, she was curled up on my pillows snoozing away. Darned cat.
And now?
She's laying on my leg, purring up a storm, and trying to eat my hair as I'm trying to comb it out.
If she's not dark side, then she's definitely on crack. XD heh.