Yay, more ACoK discussion! Gen knows Attolia only fusses because she loves him. If she ever stops fussing, he'll know she doesn't love him anymore. If she doesn't love him anymore, he'll be in Big Trouble because she'll be giving him coleus-laced wine or something because he will drive her CRAZY.
He sleeps with one knife under his pillow already, but if his wife no longer loves him, he'd better start sleeping with two. But wait, even two knives won't save him if *she* wants him dead.
And of course he thinks it's all very funny and she doesn't. At least, I think she didn't find it funny. With Attolia you never know.
I wonder--does Gen like it when she fusses? Does it make him feel loved? And what kinds of things does she routinely fuss about?
That makes so much sense--thanks!! (Now, I can reread and chuckle myself :)
No, I don't think she did find it funny. She did, however shyly pet his cheek. Perhaps, even though Gen was laughing, she knew he would want some reassurance that she would always love him. And always fuss :)
Sort of like the ears/eyes/lies scene..he can laugh, but she knows he really wants to know.
Oh, they are so cute. *fangirls*
what kinds of things does she routinely fuss about?
Well we know she fusses about him being in bed when he's ill, and style in clothing!
You know, I never thought about it being like the "tell me you won't do all those awful things to me..." conversation, but you're right. Gen seems to need that reassurance.
Awee, as long as YOU feel comfortable here, then I'm glad *offers cookies and tea*
besides, I can't NOT discuss it, that would be torturous! And this way we can all become coherant for when we can discuss it with everyone on Sounis (=
I know what you mean! I was lucky enough to go to a little pre-release Thief con here and we all discussed as much as we could with having read it only once. I would have been in serious anguish otherwise. Can't wait for the real thing!
He sleeps with one knife under his pillow already, but if his wife no longer loves him, he'd better start sleeping with two. But wait, even two knives won't save him if *she* wants him dead.
And of course he thinks it's all very funny and she doesn't. At least, I think she didn't find it funny. With Attolia you never know.
I wonder--does Gen like it when she fusses? Does it make him feel loved? And what kinds of things does she routinely fuss about?
No, I don't think she did find it funny. She did, however shyly pet his cheek. Perhaps, even though Gen was laughing, she knew he would want some reassurance that she would always love him. And always fuss :)
Sort of like the ears/eyes/lies scene..he can laugh, but she knows he really wants to know.
Oh, they are so cute.
what kinds of things does she routinely fuss about?
Well we know she fusses about him being in bed when he's ill, and style in clothing!
And I doubt he sleeps with his hook on
This has been fun, y'all. Like Sounis away from Sounis. Elle, did you know your journal was the guest house?
*offers cookies and tea*
besides, I can't NOT discuss it, that would be torturous! And this way we can all become coherant for when we can discuss it with everyone on Sounis (=
*pant pant*
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