(no subject)

Dec 28, 2009 00:23

an interesting query - smut ficlet
Fandom: Heroes/Star Trek
Pairing: Spock/Elle
Rating: MMMM.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
Summary: Elle proposes an interesting question.

Warnings: Just some spanking.

Author’s Note: Kind of a sequel to this, but you don't need to read it to follow. I also don't know if this is funny, hot, or both. lol.

Despite being often confused and unexpectedly confronted with the wide range of fierce human emotion in reaction to his otherwise 'cold' and 'unfeeling' attitude, Spock's surprise at being--he believed the human term was 'seduced'--by a Miss Elle Bishop was formidable.

fanfic: crossover, fanfic: nc-17

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