fic: Texas Isn't Forever

Dec 09, 2009 23:22

Title: Texas Isn't Forever
Pairing(s) Matt/Julie, Matt/Elle
Rating: R
Spoilers: Spoilers for FNL's 4.05 "The Son", no real spoilers for Heroes beyond Volume 3.
Summary: She might not be a Dillon native but she can understand him like nobody else.
A/N: A Friday Night Lights crossover with Heroes. Yeah, because I really needed to procrastinate on studying for my finals. And because stainofmylove pushed me to write Matt/Elle. Also, Google told me Zach Gilford has green eyes since I couldn't really find any good screencaps to see if his eyes were blue or green.

It's like Texas is a magnet

fanfic: crossover, fanfic: r

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