hey there. How've you been? I've heard about a few things happening in schools in Colorado over the last week in the news. I hope you were far away from it :-s
they litterally dragged me to some christan group thing for lunch where the lecture person bashed my religion and elvery other religion out there.
ho boy. I know how you feel. ::hugs:: It's this type of people that push the *wrong* buttons in me.
People that consider themselves oh so religious but can't deal with a simple thing as basic human rights need a thwap up the head.
maybe you should enlighten your friend and give them a little lesson in basic human rights ... or maybe not, since I doubt it'll make a difference.
Don't worry about it. You're free to think, say and believe whatever you want and the rest can go to hell. Pun intended :)
yeah, religions can be very interesting from a cultural/social point of view, until the point where someone wants to give a go at converting/saving me. That's my cue to run away. Since that would be the safest thing to do for me and especially for them. ::cough::
EXACTLY!!! i mean really i didn't know THE UNBELIEVERS should be converted because satan might get us!! mwahahaha well little does she know.....MY DOG IS SATAN!!
Hmm, I'm wondering though. How can satan get you when you don't believe in him/her/it? If you can't see it, it's not there, right? ::cough:: anyways...
cool. If he does any 'getting you', you just have to throw him a bone and your problem's solved.
they litterally dragged me to some christan group thing for lunch where the lecture person bashed my religion and elvery other religion out there.
ho boy. I know how you feel. ::hugs:: It's this type of people that push the *wrong* buttons in me.
People that consider themselves oh so religious but can't deal with a simple thing as basic human rights need a thwap up the head.
maybe you should enlighten your friend and give them a little lesson in basic human rights ... or maybe not, since I doubt it'll make a difference.
Don't worry about it. You're free to think, say and believe whatever you want and the rest can go to hell. Pun intended :)
cool. If he does any 'getting you', you just have to throw him a bone and your problem's solved.
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