Thursday I went to try out at roller derby in Montpeculiar.
Twin City Riot My friend Ang had told me about it and thought for sure it'd be good for me.
Earlier in the day I had to see my Orthopedist. I jokingly asked him if I was ready for Roller Derby. He took a short intake of breath, sighed, and said that it would probably be best that I wait another six weeks.
He totally called my bluff!
I bought a mouth guard and packed all my skateboard pads/helmet up. Packed up an all black tank top, sports bra, shorts, and socks.
My anxiousness at meeting new people spurned a headache but I sucked down water and an Advil.
I parked over at the Senior Center and watched a few girls with yoga mats head towards the Rec Center. I figured maybe there was more than one class at a time there so I headed over figuring they weren't part of the derby crew. FINALLY I saw fishnets and knew I was at the right spot.
but but the girls with the yoga mats were talking to the gal in the fishnets. They were part of the crew.
We went in and sat in a circle. We were asked to introduce ourselves and say where we were from. Some had Roller Derby names, some didn't. I was the last one and decided to go with the name I had picked. "Elle's Bells, Topsham" I said proudly. Then we started to stretch, then we ran, then we did killer aerobics. I could only do six real push ups before my shoulder got shaky so I went and did wall push ups which I didn't like cause, you know, I like to be bad ass and shit.
Squats, running in place, knee lifts, leg lifts, the bicycle, crunches, all of this equated to inner thigh and butt death.
I didn't think I had an ass but for once something jiggled.
Ang brought her skates which actually fit perfectly. She also brought me wrist guards. I put on my helmet, pads, skates, and wrist guards and stood. "I am going to eat shit." I said out loud to no one in particular. I pushed foward and the days of figure skating and agressive inline skating rushed back to me. I could DO this. I pushed slowly around the basketball court once. I went around again and tried to stop but ended up doing a full three sixty. Soon I was back to doing crossovers, Tstops, knee drops, double knee drops, and plough stops.
I really only ass planted twice. Once right on my right hand which jolted my shoulder. Ang proudly remarked to the captain that I had recently just dislocated my shoulder skateboarding, had just seen my orthopadist and was told to not skate for 6 weeks but was SUCH a jock that I couldn't wait.
Next practice is Sunday or Monday.