Okay, so today I was home again. I slept lots. I got up only to have a slice of toast, and refill my water bottle.
When up, I sewed/ embriodered for this quilt I'll probably finish 12 years from now. We all know how good I am at finishing things.
This evening, after it got too dark to sew, I had a peach for dinner. (I was too lazy and my head hurt enough to keep the lights off.) Then I tried this peeling facial masque. I have never smelled so many chemicals in one breath before. Not even on explosion day in Chem. I nearly lost an eyebrow to the stuff because I got a bunch of it in the eyebrow, then it dried in. I'm lucky to still have it.
I've got two more of those masque things to try this week. I'm exploring relaxation stuff like that, and that particular masque was just awful.
The "Simply Me" facial peel in cucumber rates: 2 (out of 5)
I'm actually starting to feel a bit more hungry now. (damn meds make me lose most of my appetite)
I think I'm going to go forage in the kitchen for something a bit more filling than a peach. Damn it's a good thing I take supplements and such, or I'd have one real lack of vitamins because of what I been eating.
http://www.illwillpress.com/vault.html Check that out. Look at "Amityville Toaster". It rocks my socks.
Okay. I'm out for now. Need food... and drugs... speaking of which... (one more thing before I go)
The pharmacy/Dr. has been super slow with my perscriptions lately. Sure, I won't die without them, but I was supposed to have some of it there 3 days ago. It's pissing me off, muchly. And of all things they decided to be slow about, it's my anti-depressants. Well... we wonder why I might need them. I'm gonna take somebody's BALLS if I don't have everything I'm supposed to have there by next week... Wednesday maybe... I'm pretty bendy when it comes to working around people's scheduals, but this is fucking nuts.
Now, time for dinner, because I'm really having a typo issue in IM's. Food is needed.