Drabble -- Golden Cue

Apr 14, 2010 14:28

Title: Golden Cue

Author: Alex Foster

Category: General

Characters: Elle/Gretchen/Claire

Word Count: 250

Rating: PG

Summary: “Unbelievable,” Elle said, leaning against her practically unused cue stick. “We’ve been played.”

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by NBC. No money is being made and no infringement is intended.

Warning. Implied established triad relationship. Nothing really offensive though.

Author’s Notes: Written for the challenge Creep over at drabble_a_trios. This is pure crack fic and I apologize for that. There is no deep meaning to be found here. It was a whim (and maybe as character interaction practice for a future fic). Also the Golden Cue is a pool hall in my hometown - I drive by every time I go into town and it looks like the type of place I’d go to only if I had someone like Elle to protect me. Thanks for reading.

Cut to my Journal

fic:drabble, rating:pg

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