Pompeo Mariani (Italian, 1857-1927)

Oct 26, 2014 21:40

Woman Alone- Signora a San Siro

Mind the Puddles
Al Diana

In riva al mare


The Sailor's Farewell

The Sea Lover

The Daring Women

Sulla spiaggia di Bordighera - Tempera su cartone - cm. 18,8x31,3

Inglesine-English Girls on the Rocks

The Yellow Hat
Portrait of a Lady

Giovane donna in salotto
Ritratto di signora

Profile of girl-pastel on cardboard

Donna con Bicchiere. (Lady with a Glass) monotype printed in colours, with additional handcolouring, 1904

LETTURA IN GIARDINO (Reading in the garden)
Monotype, printed in colours


Pompeo Mariani - View of Salute in Venice, 1908

Colombian Festival

The Stormy Sea



Women Working In Rice Fields, 1896

Rice Weeders in Zelata

This entry was originally posted at http://elle-belle.dreamwidth.org/1795017.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

women, genre, marines/ships/rivers, italian, pastel, portrait

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