Christian Rohlfs ( 1849-1938)-p.1

Oct 13, 2012 20:45

Christian Rohlfs( 1849-1938)- German painter,
one of the important representatives of German expressionism.


"After his years of study at the academy, Rohlfs' work was formed for twenty years by Impressionism, but at the age of sixty, he found a late expressionistic style. Favouring tempera on canvas and paper, he also created watercolours and prints.
Several honours prove the approval of his later works. In 1929 the Christian Rohlfs Museum in Hagen was founded for the artist's 80th birthday. After the Nazis seized power Rohlfs was expelled from the Preußische Kunstakademie der Künste in 1937 and 412 of his paintings were rated "degenerate" and were removed from German museums.
One year later, on 8 January 1938 Christian Rohlfs died in his studio in Hagen. He was remembered as one of the most important representatives of German Expressionism in art history."(c)
The Lion and the Crane (1904-06)

Birch Forest,1907;Sonnenblumen,1929

Engel, der Licht in die Gräber trägt,1925
The Expulsion from Paradise,1933


Christian Rohlfs, self portrait (1918)

Roman Builders,1879


Rose Bush and Headstone,1890

Garden in Soest,1906

Birch Forest,1907


Dancing around the Ball of the Sun,1916

The Three Holy Kings,1924

The Expulsion from Paradise,1933

Late Chrysanthemums,1938



Galerie Kuemmel

to be continued...
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degart, expressionism, still life, self portrait, history of art, landscape, german

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