Art & Mood by J.S.Sargent- The Simplon (2)

Aug 25, 2012 17:30

*продолжение серии работ-The Simplon
** Начало

Source:Museum of Fine Arts, Boston & Brooklyn Museum,NY

Medium / Technique:
Translucent watercolor and touches of opaque watercolor and wax resist with graphite underdrawing

Group in Simplon,1911

Artist in the Simplon,1909

In the Simplon Pass,1910

Simplon Pass: At the Top,1911

Simplon Pass: Mountain Brook,1911

Avalanche Track,1911

Simplon Pass: Crags,1911

Simplon Pass: Fresh Snow,1911

Simplon Pass:Chalets,1911

The Simplon,1911

The Simplon:Large Rocks ,1911

The Simplon,1911

The Simplon:The Foreground,1911

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watercolor, landscape, john singer sargent

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