Art Links:Blanche Hochede-Monet (1865-1947)

Jul 15, 2012 09:40

Giverny, Willow and Roses

Giverny, the Rosarium of Monet

Giverny, Roses and Waterlilies

The Gadren at Giverny, 1927


Blanche Hoschedé-Monet en plein travail, à la fin des années 1920

Madame Kuroki, Claude Monet (1840-1926), Alice Butler (1894-1949), Blanche Hoschede-Monet and Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) in the Garden at Giverny

In the water garden, 1921.

Link 1:Photographs of Claude Monet and his family
Link 2:Blanche Hochede-Monet:Biography


Claude-Oscar Monet

Portrait of Blanche Hoschede as a Young Girl.1880
Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Céramique, Rouen

In the Woods at Giverny: Blanche Hoschedé at her easel with Suzanne Hoschedé reading. 1887

Blanche Hoschede painting.1892

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art links, french, history of art, gardens, landscape, photo

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