History of Art :In Memory of Claudio Bravo (1)

Aug 09, 2011 11:15

Claudio Bravo (November 8, 1936-June,4 2011)



A Master of Light and Shadows, Chilean Painter Claudio Bravo, Has Died at Age 74

"He had the gift of perceiving reality and translate it onto the canvas, with its lights and shadows, to the extent that many called him "the master of light”. Considered the most prestigious Chilean painter alive, Claudio Bravo moved to Southern Morocco 39 years ago, where he died Saturday night at age 74.
Early reports indicated that his death had been caused by an attack of epilepsy, an illness that had been recently detected. But his friend and gallerist, Ana Maria Stagno, who manages the exhibition of his work in Chile, said Bravo suffered two heart attacks that caused his death. "I talked to Bashir, his partner and right hand man in Morocco and he told me that Claudio had arrived from Paris where he had gone to see a cardiologist. These two heart attacks were tremendous, he was taken to hospital in Taroudant, but they could do nothing," said the Director of AMS Marlborough Gallery. "(c)

The New York Times

"His paintings, depicting crumpled paper, paper bags and paper-wrapped packages tied with string, put technical virtuosity at the service of an imagination shaped by old master painting, especially the work of 17th-century Spanish artists like Zurbarán, Cotán and Velázquez. Unlike American photorealists, who took the world as they found it, Mr. Bravo rooted his commonplace objects in a rich art-historical soil that lent depth and mystery to his work.

The headline in The New York Times to John Canaday’s review of that 1970 show was an art dealer’s dream: “The Amazing Paintings of Bravo.” "(c)

Marlborough Gallery


Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes,Santiago, Chile

+"повторение пройденного" в нескольких частях

Interior con Pintor de Paisaje
El Guardián y su hijo

Fortune teller

Green Moorish Robe

The Magician

Minerva and Arachne
San Antonio Temptations

San Sebastián

"Annunciacion (Vanitas)," oil on canvas, 39 1/4 by 82 5/8 inches, 1992





From the study

Fountains In My Garden

Fire Island (Mixed media on paper,1978)



Claudio Bravo-Homepage

ca. 1980-1997, Tangiers, Morocco --- Gardens and facade of the Chilean painter Claudio Bravo's house. --- Image by © Massimo Listri/CORBIS

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claudio bravo, genre, art links, self portrait, history of art, landscape, interiors

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