Antoine Guillaume (Tony) Minartz (French, 1873-1944)

Feb 15, 2011 19:32

An engraver and self-taught painter who was influenced by Toulouse-Lautrec, Tony Minartz was a member of the Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts from 1901 and exhibited there over the course of two decades. He specialized in scenes of Parisian night life, music halls and cafes...
Benizet says: "he was best known for his interpretations of Parisian daily life, the festivals, the casino, the cafe-concert, the circus, the music-hall, the Opera and the ballets, of which he remains one of the truest chroniclers." Minartz’ works are found in the Hermitage Museum (from the collection of M.K. Morozova), among others.

Tony Minartz

Leaving the Moulin Rouge -1901-02(Hermitage)



from Christie's

"La dance"

Elegant company at the theatre

The Intermission,1905

The Cafe Concert


Tony Minartz (watercolour)

genre, watercolor, french

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