Sören Emil Carlsen (1853-1932) -1

Jan 31, 2011 15:48

Очередной,плановый апдейт архивов

Sören Emil Carlsen (1853-1932)
Danish-born American Impressionist Painter

Emil Carlsen, Still-Life Master Gallery

Study in Grey 1906

Iron Kettle and Clams 1926

Still Life with Kettle and Jug

Still Life with Teapot and Onion

Still Life

Still Life with Pitcher and Pivar

Silver and Gray

The Leeds Jug

Brass Kettle with Porcelain Coffee Pot,1910

Still Life with Self Portrait Reflection 1931

Still Life with Garlic 1906

Brass Jar with Onions 1927

Still Life 1904

Brass and Copper 1900

The Samovar,1920

Still Life with Copper, Brass and Onions 1888

Cracked Ice, 1894

Ruby Reflection ,1895

Blackfish & Clams 1880-90

Still Life with Fish, 1882

Still Life with Fish, 1897

The Root Cellar 1884

Still Life with ducks

Still Life with Dead Game 1895

Still Life with Fish and Copper Bowl 1894

Still Life 1892

Still Life

Still life with ducks

White Asparagus 1891

Still Life with Jug, ca. 1910



Still Life With Lemons And Lobster 1883.

Still Life with Mallards

Thanksgiving Still Life, 1891
A Young Girl Preparing Poultry 1885

Emil Carlsen-1910


Emil Carlsen married Luela Mary Ruby in 1896 and the couple moved into his 59th Street studio, where they made their home the rest of their lives. They had a single child, Dines Carlsen in 1901 who was home schooled. His mother taught him his scholastic subjects and his father instructed him in art. Dines Carlsen began his own exhibition career in 1914, exhibiting a still life at the National Academy of Design when he was thirteen. He son was made an Associate National Academician in 1922, when he was 21 and a full National Academician in 1942. Dines Carlsen exhibited along side his father at Grand Central Galleries in New York and had three solo exhibitions there. After Dines Carlsen passed away in 1966, Grand Central Galleries held a dual retrospective exhibition to honor both artists. Carlsen was close friends with Julian Alden Weir, John Twachtman and Childe Hassam. His relationship with Weir was especially close

Portrait of the artist's wife-Luela Mary Ruby i

Dines Carlsen-Self Portrait (1901-1966)-son of the painter

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carlsen emil / dines, art links, still life, history of art, american fine art

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