History of art: Delacroix and Photography

Jan 16, 2011 19:25

Из архива,с апдейтом

Delacroix et la photographie:Musee National Eugene-Delacroix
28 November 2008 - 2 March 2009

Eugene Delacroix by Leon Riesener_1842
Self portrait, drawing in black pencil, unsigned, 1838

Photographs of nude models who posed for Delacroix, and whose pictures were taken at the painter’s request by Eugène Durieu in 1854, form the core of the exhibition.
These unique prints are shown with the drawings that Delacroix executed either at the same time or based on the photographs.

"As far as I am concerned, I can only say how much I regret such an admirable discovery should have come so late ! The possibility of studying such images would have had an influence on me that I can only guess at from the usefulness which they have now, even in the little time left me for more intensive study. It is the tangible proof of nature’s own design, which we otherwise see only very feebly." (c) Eugene Delacroix
- quoted in "French Primitive Photography", Philadelphia 1969 (cited in "From today painting is dead - The Beginnings of Photography" (catalogue of exhibition in The Victoria & Albert Museum 16 March - 14 May 1972 p. 48), caption to item no. 532 showing photographs of nude models taken from an album belonging to Delacroix. The models are said to be in poses arranged by Delacroix.)

Jean Louis Marie Eugene Durieu(1800-1874) Models
Eugène Delacroix-Study of nude woman in profile (det)

Jean Louis Marie Eugene Durieu-Draped female nudes

"...Эжен Делакруа был большим поклонником изобретенной в 1839 году техники и в 1851 году стал членом французского Гелиографического общества.
В коллекции художника было несколько десятков фотографических изображений фресок Рафаэля, полотен Рубенса, скульптур. По просьбе Делакруа знаменитый фотограф Эжен Дюрье фотографировал натурщиков. Художник позже использовал снимки в своей работе.

На выставке в Музее Делакруа можно (*БЫЛО*) увидеть практически все примеры использования художником фотографии в своей работе. Иногда, как в случае с полотном "Одалиска", совпадение композиции практически буквальное. Фотографии и живопись происходят из собрания самого музея и Музея Д'Орсе."

Jean Louis Marie Eugene Durieu
Female nude

Eugene Delacroix.
Odalisque.1857.Oil on canvas


Delacroix et la photographie-Amazon

These unique prints are shown with the drawings that Delacroix executed either at the same time or based on the photographs.

He amassed a considerable photographic collection-of frescoes by Raphael, paintings by Rubens, and cathedral sculptures. Moreover, although he did not use a camera himself, a series of male and female nude models were photographed at his request by Eugène Durieu, in 1854.
One would know from his diary and letters that he sometimes used these photographs to practice drawing when no live models were available.
Almost all the photographs and the drawings done from them (together with a number of paintings) have been assembled for the first time at the Musée Delacroix, with the generous support of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and other collections.
The exhibition also features a surprising series of photographic portraits of Delacroix himself, ranging from the precious intimate daguerreotypes of the 1840s to the more posed.

Eugene Delacroix by Pierre Petit

History of Photography
Eugene Durieu/Eugene Delacroix

Femme à demi nue

Study-Graphite on tan tracing paper

Hercules Between Virtue and Vice, 1849-52

Study of a Woman Seen from the Back, 1833

Etudes de personnages nus

Sketch for The Death of Sardanapalus,1827

Crouching Woman-Black and red chalk, with pastel, heightened with white chalk, over wash, on tan wove paper,1827

Trois études de femme nue étendue, et croquis d'une tête

women, photomasters, art links, history of art, nude, Eugène Delacroix, art of france, drawings/graphics

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