White Table, Black Chair,1977,Lois Borgenicht and Johannes Reim Collection. New York. U.S.A.
+ 2 & 4 self-portraits
Empire Chair-1978-Grace Brandt Collection. New York. U.S.A.
Tulips, Lilacs, and Dogwood,1979
Self-Portrait in Morelos,1980
Self-Portrait in Studio,1982;
The Artist in His Studio,1979
Self-Portrait, Water Mill Studio,1986, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose Collection. New York.
The New York Times-Warren Brandt (American, 1918-2002) **
Brandt exemplifies a generation that maintained close ties to the founding members of the New York School while seeking a newly figurative idiom, one based as much on the “decorative” color aesthetic of Henri Matisse as on the expressionistic brushwork of Willem de Kooning.