Etretat by Claude Oscar Monet

Apr 22, 2010 14:40

*(по следам комментария-в тему,в одном теге-Etretat)

Etretat by Claude Oscar Monet

Rock Arch West of Etretat -The Manneport

The Rock Needle and the Porte d'Aval

The Rock Needle Seen through the Porte d'Aval

The Rock Needle Seen through the Porte d'Aumont

Etretat the Porte d'Aval

The Cliff at Etretat

The Manneport- Seen from Below

The Manneport at High Tide

The Manneport- Etretat

The Manneport Seen from the East

Etretat- Sunset

Etretat in the Rain

The Porte d'Amont- Etretat

The Cliffs at Amont

Amont Cliff, Rough Weather (pastel)

The Sea View of Cliffs


The Beach and the Falaise d'Amont

The Beach and Cliffs of Amont at Etretat

Etretat- Rough Seas

Stormy Weather at Etretat

Rough Sea at Etretat

Fishing Boats at Etretat

The Departure of the Boats- Etretat

Boats on the Beach- Etretat 1

Boats on the Beach- Etretat 2

Fishing Boats

Boats on the Beach

*кликабельны,как всегда
**продолжение подборки следует...

etretat, claude oscar monet, colours, french, marines/ships/rivers, impressionism, pastel

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