Time heals everything....

Feb 28, 2008 14:50

I've decided i really dislike winter sometimes its just so depressing, it gets a person down something feirce! its just dull dull dull.

I can't wait for the nice whether to come in, hopefully moods will liken up and we can begin beer garden season haha no i'm serious nothing better then beer garden season!

I'm having a dinner on saturday for some of my oldest and longest friends and then my 3 sisters, i could have invited so many more people to this circle but i didn;t have the room and i really wanted my sisters there for my first real dinner party! Ah well there will be more at a later date! Sorry to those i didn't get around to inviting this time!

Anyway this has been a weird week for me, not sure if its cause of the winter (see above) or what but My back has been in bits and because of this i've not been able to go to the gym which is pissing me of! i've been doing so good nearly a stone down so far! but i'm hoping next week things will be better and i'll be back on track!

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