May 09, 2007 12:38
i hate it here living with nats family, life has got so bad so stressfull, they sold the house and looking for a new one which seems to be a hard job , theres nothing for sale . and we cant stay here cause the fucking ppl nxt door keep us up all night with music. the other month we bangd on the wall to tell em to be quiet just to get a load of abuse back calling us fucking dykes and such like. so called the police and she getting charged for it yey. but that could take years to get thru the court. anyway nats end of year exam is in a week all she does is study and im trying not to get in the way, but all i do is wrong . im getting that pissed off about everything i got anoyd at the iron cause it made a mark on my white tshirt , nat told me if i dnt calm down im gonna take a heart attak and i think she may be right.