Ahhhh, and today it's the day that we celebrate that the earth has circled another lap around the sun(yes, I am making a reference to House) Today it's Leila's birthday.
I wish you a happy birthday and a happy coming year, and don't you dare go pessy on me! It will be happy year, cuz we'll make it one! At least I'll try, because Leila, you deserve it. You deserve every last piece of it. I know this last year has been rough on you, and I'm not gonna lie to you and say that this one will be perfect, but I do believe that if you really belive in something, you can make it happen. You once said that you think people are in your life for a reason, and that I am in your life to make a difference. I don't belive in faith,and I don't belive everything is pre-destined, but what I do believe is that even though that maybe it wasn't set to happen, wonders can happen once we have found our match. You're not my reason, you're my match. You and the WB is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You mean so much to me Leila. You're so talanted and beautiful and I love you, now and always.
You are special.
So hugs and kisses, from me and him,
*twisted* I love you:)