May 15, 2011 03:07
- 16:58:13: RT @NatGeoSociety: Go see The First Grader, a true story about an 84-yr-old Kenyan who fights to attend school for the first time: http: ...
- 16:59:56: Whlst researching solutions to river pollution for my homework, I saw one website that said 'don't dump dead human bodies' as a suggestion
- 19:58:59: Eurovision time :)
- 20:16:01: RT @DogzerO: So Helena Bonham Carter is trending cos she wasn't on #DrWho and now Terry Wogan is trending cos he isn't on #Eurovision
- 20:16:53: I'm sad that I never watched #eurovision when Terry Wogan commented. Sounds like it was a right laugh
- 20:34:34: Hungary seemed to be channelling Madinna. Here comes Jedward for Ireland
- 21:01:00: Italy's song reminds me of the Aristocrats
- 21:09:39: I'm embarrassed to be British right now
- 21:12:38: Moldova WTF?
- 21:41:30: I quite liked Iceland. The story behind it was sweet
- 22:09:11: The Denmark song is really growing on me now. No idea who to support!
- 22:20:31: I understand now why we have continents. No one wants to be part of Europe.
- 22:40:30: Is the UK winning?
- 22:45:41: Slipped down to fourth. Overtaken by Ireland :(
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