Oct 21, 2004 21:47
I'm such a hypocrite.
There are a couple livejournals I check ALL THE TIME, and constantly find myself being like, "Damn you!! Why haven't you updated since 3rd period?!" And yet... well, you can see my track record. (By the way, if you think you're one of those people, first off, "You cocky bastard, you!" and second, "Please update! Give my life meaning!")
I'm going to go bake. And pretend that after that I'll be doing my homework. In reality, if I have any energy after that I think I'm going to get out the book-type journal and play my favorite game. I think I need a new one of those, if any of you has a journal (or, you know, money...) that you're trying to get rid of.
See ya.