Our house is a zoo at the moment, quite literally. Rob is in the process of moving, so Sav and I are hedgehog-sitting. So, we now have, in our little 2-bedroom apartment, two rats, two cats, two hedgies and the most obnoxious guinea pig to ever exist. Thankfully it's getting cool enough that we can keep the windows open so it doesn't get stinky. The hedgies have a very particular odor even when their cage is clean. >.<
WhompWhomp and Zephyr are getting SO BIG. They just went to the vet on Tuesday to get their booster shots and they go in Sept. 7th to have their manhood removed. I'm hoping it calms them down a bit, Zephyr in particular is becoming adorably destructive, tearing up my manga collection because he seems to think my bookshelf in the living room is his scratching post. A bunch of my Fruits Basket manga have had the spine art pretty much shredded off. He doesn't claw ANYTHING else in the house, just my manga. I even moved the Fruits Basket books to a higher shelf and HE JUMPS UP TO GET AT THOSE PARTICULAR BOOKS, totally ignoring the other, lower books. He has a vendetta against fruits Basket, I guess. :<
Also, the fleas are GONE as far as I can tell, haven't seen a single one in over a week, so whoo~
In other news, Savannah's boyfriend dumped her via text message yesterday morning. :( I hate seeing her sad, but I think it's definitely for the best, almost all arguments and tension between she and I were rooted in him or his actions. He hadn't been up for at least a week prior to this as well, so Sav and I have actually finally had time to hang out together, have craft time and bond and it's been absolutely wonderful. :) Money's been unbelievably tight this month (August at a bar that's not on the beach? Ugh ugh ugh ugh. :( ) but we've both really been working together and getting shit done. I've been making things like crazy for my little business I'm starting up, Pixxel Dust. It's been so nice to be busy making things again, and even nicer that I'm getting paid for it (and it goes off to other people so it's not cluttering up my closet! lol).
If aaaanyone wants costume/rave stuff (cyberlox, dreadfalls, tutus, fluffy legwarmers/cuffs) check out my page on Facebook!
I'm hoping by the end of the year to have an actual website set up, and an etsy shop up sooner than that. :3 I sold about $400 worth of stuff this month to people in the scene here in Baltimore, so I'm hoping to keep that up and improve upon it in the upcoming months and hopefully get an artist alley table Katsucon. <3