An update (with some pictures)
I've been superbusy lately, I moved into my new apartment at the beginning of the month and have been busy moving things from Greenbelt to Baltimore. There's still some cleaning and a few things to be moved from the Greenbelt house. My mom and dad are visiting tomorrow to help me out and I'm very excited to see them. I'm already more moved in and unpacked here than I ever was in the 8 months I lived in Greenbelt. WE HAVE A COUCH, the entertainment center is all set up with our plethora of games and systems, we've had people over, we have posters and stuff on the walls... It's already starting to feel like home and it's so incredibly refreshing and relieving after hopping from place to place so often the past 5 years.
*WARNING* Do not click this picture if you don't like icky things. It's really hi-res, you can see the scabs and stitches really well.
A clear picture of my stitches, before having them removed last month. My lip ring used to be on the right, where the smallest cut it, just as a note to people who want to lecture me about the dangers of piercings being ripped out. The long cut on the left side it where my lip was ripped completely open into two pieces by what caused it. Every other wound was more a tear or a puncture. There were another dozen or so on the inside of my lip. The center of my bottom lip is still numb, I can hardly feel anything. I'm missing my lip ring like crazy, I keep going to move it or touch it with my tongue and it's not there and skejriwjeroiwaejr. :( What actually happened, since I feel more comfortable talking about it now, is that I went to pet my friend's pit bull, who's usually fine with me, while he was sleeping. My face was close to his because I squatted down and he was on a bed. It startled him awake, he snapped in reaction (he did NOT try to attack me, there was no aggression I could sense, he didn't growl or bark or anything, and immediately became submissive and affectionate afterwards) and caught my lip really good. I didn't even realize he'd bitten me at first, I thought he'd just headbutted me, but then I felt the blood in my hand and looked in a mirror and saw that he'd nearly ripped my lip off. I lied to the hospital (and was reluctant to talk about it at first) and said I fell and cracked it on a countertop because I don't have to make an insurance claim (since I'm uninsured, whee~) because I didn't want the dog to have to get put down because of his breed. I owe about $1800 in bills to the doctor and the hospital, supposedly the dog's owner is going to help me pay the bulk of it, but I'm really beginning to have doubts I'll see much money unless I get a lawyer involved or at least threaten to. Buh.
ON ANOTHER NOTE, this is my roommate Savannah. We are colorful little things. <3
We have ducks that repeatedly come by the lawn out our back door <3
AND SAVANNAH GOT A KITTEN. He is tiny and adorable and rambunctious and his name is WhompWhomp. He is SMALLER than the guinea pigs and that is honestly just too cute to comprehend sometimes. He's been fine with them so far, mostly just curious pats with claws retracted and a lot of sniffing and the pigs don't seem bothered by him, but he is starting to get a little more aggressive with them so I'm going to have to put a top on the cage this weekend to be safe.
Allllso I got this tattoo done. I'm not a religious person by any means, but the meaning behind the phrase is something I feel I need to remember more often in my life, for both the good times and the bad.
Oh, and Cinnamon Roll somehow escaped from her cage at Robby's house and made it from his second floor bedroom all the way to the basement safely by herself and couldn't be found for 3 days. That little hedgehog is a trooper, I don't even know. Aaaaaand my allergies are trying to kill me again, as is standard for this time of the year. x_x
Sooo I think that's most of the big things that have happened in my life recently. Things seems to be settling down and I'm feeling a lot less lost. Not having a place to feel at home really fucks with my psyche and now that that part is starting to come together, I think I'll be a lot more stable in other areas of my life. :)