Oh my gosh I need to sleep, server training in the morning. Then driving home to Bethlehem, where I will get to see my momma and my Bailey-kins and my fluffmonster pigs, I have missed them all so much. T-T
I have more cute videos of Cinnamon Roll to post later. I spent 3 hours today watching her run around the apartment and try to keep her out of trouble. That little spikeball is too smart, she figured out how to get under/over/around/through almost every block I put up. SHE IS TOO CUTE. wejroiwjrewjekjankjfnaweurnweor
Also I got a pair of Hazel contacts for Yoko, they're kind of dark, though. I'm afraid to go much brighter because so many yellow eyes I've seen just look freaky and Yoko isn't supposed to be a creepy character. I'll probably stick with them because they're at least a little better than my blue eyes.
ALSO MY HAIR IS NORMAL NOW, fuck it is so depressing, you don't even know. :( Every time I look in the mirror I am saddened. I better make a metric fuckton of tips.
Allright, holy shit, sleep.