Beach! :D

Sep 11, 2008 23:03

Alex and I went to the beach today! :D My family has gone to Long Beach Island, NJ for a week every summer since my mom was a teenager, but due to a lot of crap with my extended family, we weren't able to go this year. I was pretty bummed because on top of having to take school all summer, I didn't even get a good vacation. Sooo Alex and I drove down today since it was quite possibly one of the last nice days of the summer.

He woke me up TOO GOD DAMNED EARLY at like 8 am. I dragged my ass and we finally got to the beach around 11:30 and laid in the sand for a while. Unfortunately both the air and the water made it too cold to swim and also the water was infested with DEAD JELLYFISH PARTS from all the storms lately. They were washing up all over the place. Eeeeeeeeeeew. Also apparently some Mexican guys were ogling me and Alex lol'd about it while I was confused.

Thennnn we had lunch, went shopping at Bay Village and wandered around for a bit until we went baaaaaaack to the beach where it was even colder than earlier so we just gathered shells and cool things! :D

A bunch of teeny-tiny shells I picked up. I'm thinking of making earrings or a necklace or something out of them.

A cool piece of driftwood with some barnacles on it. I have decided it's part of an old pirate ship.

A pretty shell that looks like angel wings.

CRAB! Very sun-bleached crab shell.

This is perhaps the coolest thing I have EVER found on the beach, it's a washed-up jellyfish that got flattened and sun-dried. I'm not sure what I want to do with it, but jesus fuck, it was too cool to just leave there.

Everything on an 8x10 sheet so you can see how tiny the shells are. :3 Also, black heart shells = emo love. <3

After the beach the second time we went to a seafood place for dinner. I just had a cheeseburger though because I'm a tard and I don't like seafood. I ended up mushing the bun around and cutting up the burger and eating random pieces of it because... I don't know. I'm weird. The waitress came by and saw my plate and asked if anything was wrong with it and I was like 'nooooo...i just like to play with my food .___." to which she responded "You are so cute, I just can't stand it!" and Alex laughed at me for 5 minutes. .____________.;


Then we drove home and now it's time to watch anime and pass out.

It was weird going to the beach after labor day. A lot of stuff was closed or only open weird hours and it was all SO EMPTY and full of old people. I'm used to LBI being full of all sorts of people. I miss it. :( Hopefully next year I can go two weeks to make up for it. :D

OH ALSO I found out that apparently my parent's insurance stops covering me when I turn 23, not 24, but they never bothered to send us a notice to let us know. My dentist appointment last week wasn't covered so now my parents have to pay for it out of pocket. Also now I can't get my wisdom teeth taken out (a mixed blessing) and I can't get new glasses OR have the tingly mole on my back checked out until after I graduate and get my own job with benefits.

WTF insurance, WTF. You could have at least let us know.

beach, alex, wtf

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