May 13, 2011 20:22
so I watched a bit of a brittish television show which takes brittish celebrities and finds out their genealogy...and I watched the David Tennant episode (his name isn't actually Tennat, it's MacDONALAD) and he got quite uncomfortable actually because he has an Northern Irish side to his family who were, predictably, protestant and, well, Orange. His grandmother wasn't a fan of having green things in the house even in Scotland, where she moved after marrying his grandfather. Green was a Catholic color, you see. And her family did participate in trying to keep Catholics out of power in Northern Ireland. One of his ancestors was an Orangeman, and he was very uncomfortable with he whole thing.
my Da didn't have any particular problem with Protestantism, he married my mum after all. But he was not a fan of the color orange. His family was over here since before the Potato Famine, and he never went to church in my life, but he discouraged me from having orange things when I was little. He got over it long before my sister got to be in high school because he favorite color is orange. But when I was a kid, I was taught orange wasn't a good color because of something the English did to Ireland (I wasn't too clear on what, haha)
but I was also taught that the IRA were categorically a bad thing. the IRA had a lot of support from Irish American families for a long time, but in my house they were evil.
but isn't it weird how those little color things stuck around?