.....I haven't felt so completely bamboozled after an episode of television since Battlestar Galatica.
which oddly enough Badger was in as well...
1. Amy is pregnant and is not. She's Schrodinger's cat. is this just what happens when you put a pregnant lady in a TARDIS or is it because the Silence were messing with her? Presumably they did SOMETHING to her and got that picture of her with the baby SOMEHOW and it would appear that the little girl was indeed her child. But a) why did the Silence want the little girl b) why did they build her lifesupport suit with the ability to call the highest authority figure c) was it just the suit or was someone in it when it killed the Doctor d) is the little girl some kind of genetic experiment using Amy's DNA and the Doctor's, or possibly even Amy and Rory's actual fetus and the Doctor's DNA or is the regeneration ability non-Time Lord DNA produced e) is the little girl River or is River some other child of Amy and Rory f) who does the little girl regenerate into? GLAD WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT because even though Amy is sorta pregnant it's weird enough and I DID NOT GUESS IT
Presumably River was NOT in the astronaut suit when it shot the Doctor not because it killed the Doctor but because she shot at it. So either the little girl wasn't in it or River is not the little girl...or she was putting on a hell of a show.
2. The human race is programed to kill the Silence on sight. or at least those of them that have seen the moon landing. I haven't but that's ok because otherwise I'd be killing things. I don't fancy the Silence AT ALL but I don't want to be an alien murderer...whether I remember it or not.