We have nettage. I now have a 1.5Mb unlimited DL ADSL connection. Someone give me something nifty and large (100MB-1GB) on a fast server so I can test its legs. (my 1.6MB antivirus update took around 5secs to DL)
depends on how much you download ... 1.5Mb work out to rough download speeds of 135KB/s or around a meg per minute at that rate, it's easy to hit 25GB in a month ant thus drag your net connection into the stone-age ... I've been known to do over 20 gig on a 512k connection, that's why I'm shelling out the extra 5 bucks a week for a truly unlimited connection
We don't get that much. Usually, our biggest download in a week in the 350Mb Atlantis episode that's just aired (which is currently plodding along at 26KB/s). Other than that, occasional songs, and assorted sundries.
in that case, save yourself that $20/month and go with TPG Broadband Choice doesn't seem to have anything bad to say about their network/service/support
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