Title: Along Came Alfred, The Sequel
Warnings: Lots of sex
Summary: After his encounter with England and France at the most recent conference, Al decides to take France up on his invitation.
Characters: America, England, France
Year: Modern
Related fics:
Along Came Alfred Pt 1 (
Part 2 )
Comments 8
“These silly shirts he wears, it takes eons to divest him of them-- but if you, in the heat of passion, dare to--”
“No, Francis.”
“--rip them, he becomes very upset and threatens diplomatic retaliation--”
“--but not until after you make love to him,” finished France, satisfied.
ROFLMAO. How could you have those lines, those beautiful, beautiful lines, with two in the bed? You couldn't, that's what. And, having hated France in Duet and in general, I think that here I might love him. He makes me giggle manically, anyway. Yeah, I'm not really reading this in a sexual way. I'm just giggling.
Hated France in general? Do you mean, in my fics, or in general in general? I do remember you saying you're a GerIta girl...
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