Why'd You Have to be so Cute? It's Impossible to Ignore You

Sep 21, 2009 14:49

I. Can't. Help. It. He's. So. Cute. And. Adorable.

Because for the past few days I've been stalking fuckyeahryo in Tumblr. I wish I was Japanese. Or I wish Ryo is attainable. Both instances are fine, but I like the latter better. n.n Thank you Lord, you have made me a woman. And thank You for creating unbelievably cute guys we call eye candies, just like Nishikido Ryo.

Fellow fangirls, educate me about this cute little boy sitting on a podium (wait, is that a podium even?)! 8D

P.S. I searched for him in Wikipedia, then I realized that Wikipedia is not so reliable after all.

mabuhay ang mga kababaihan, guilty pleasure, great ella great you're a fangirl

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