1. Demo teaching earlier wasn't so bad as I thought it would turn out. Thankfully, I didn't run out of words (but I've forgotten 2 students' names after a few minutes. Dory much?) and that it wasn't a really big, big class. I hope Britesparks will like me. :D
2. I love that because of going to places that are far from Tandang Sora, I discover places I've never been to before. :D
3. I actually love walking in unfamiliar and semi-crowded territory. When there's still daylight that is.
4. To my friends and family: Please still love me even after knowing that I watch Anoop's guest appearance on Best Week Ever every chance I get. It never grows old and I am just doing one of my duties as a fangirl. If you have ever been through that phase, you'd completely understand me.
5. I get to see Rivelle again this Friday! Oh how I've missed my kabaklaan to the nth level! 8D
6. I just killed a bug. Sometimes, I wonder why bugs were ever created. :-|
7. My mom accompanied me to Britesparks before she went to work. Even if we always end up arguing about things and our personal stand about things, she still can't help being the sweetest person I've ever known. Well, 25% of the time. Hehehe. XD I appreciate you, Mom. I just like to kid around. XD
8. So yeah, my mom went with me to Britesparks earlier and she told me about her plans on traveling to America. She said she wanted to visit Georgia and go to the church where Charles Stanley preaches (haha, she's been listening to him via GMA7 since I was a kid) and see the Every Nation Church. I'm not a fan of America, but I don't mind visiting Chapel Hill and meet Anoop in person. Hahaha! XD
9. I might probably tell him that I'm his biggest fan or his #1 fan. But since everyone claims to be someone's biggest fan or someone's #1 fan, I think I'd settle for the #2 slot. No one wants it, I'll take it. I'll be the only #2 fan of Anoop. No competition for that spot at all. XD
10. I'm sorry I had to be a fangirl even up to entries.
12. Today, I consumed two bottles of Mine Shine. But it's nothing compared to how much Jeric can drink in a day.
13. When I think of Mine Shine, I think of Jeric.
14. When I see pandas, I remember Trixee.
15. When I see Yosh, I still see a pillow.
16. When I see Jamee, I want a marshmallow.
17. Money come to me. D:
Sleepy now. u.u